The CCF Advanced Disciplines Lectures
CCF ADL 第96期
邹磊,北京大学计算机科学技术研究所教授、国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金项目获得者,北京大学大数据科学研究中心主任助理。目前的主要研究领域包括图数据库,RDF知识图谱,尤其是基于图的RDF数据管理。邹磊及其团队构建了面向海量RDF知识图谱数据(超过100亿三元组规模)的开源图数据库系统gStore。邹磊已经发表了50余篇国内外学术论文,包括数据库领域国际顶级期刊/会议论文(SIGMOD,VLDB等)近30余篇; 邹磊获得2009年中国计算机学会优秀博士学位论文提名奖和2014年中国计算机学会自然科学二等奖(排名第一); 2017年获得教育部自然科学二等奖(排名第一)。
时间 | 内容 | |
9月19日 | 8:30-9:00 | 开班仪式 |
9:00-9:15 | 合影 | |
9:15-12:00 | Jeffrey Xu Yu,香港中文大学教授 讲座题目:Large Graph Processing: Algorithms and Systems | |
12:30-14:00 | 午餐 | |
14:00-17:00 | 邹磊,北京大学教授 讲座题目: 基于图的海量知识图谱数据管理 | |
9月20日 | 9:00-12:00 | 肖仰华,复旦大学教授 讲座题目:Data-driven Approaches for Large Scale Knowledge Graph Construction |
12:30-14:00 | 午餐 | |
14:00-17:00 | 邵斌,微软亚洲研究院 讲座题目: Real-time Knowledge Graph Serving | |
9月21日 | 9:00-12:00 | 舒继武,清华大学 讲座题目:持久性内存存储系统的内存空间管理与内存数据结构 |
12:00 | 结业式 | |
12:30 | 午餐 |
Jeffery Xu Yu
Title:Large Graph Processing: Algorithms and Systems
Abstract:Graph has been widely adopted to model complex networks. The real applications that need graph processing techniques to handle a large graph can be found from many real applications including online social networks, biological networks, ontology, transportation networks, etc. In this talk, we will discuss some selected research topics on graph processing over large graphs from the algorithm perspectives and the systems perspectives. From the algorithm perspectives, we will discuss several recent work on searching communities in large networks and on finding the hierarchy structure in large social networks. On one hand, social Community structures, as functional building blocks, exist in social networks. Thus, mining and querying community structure in large networks becomes an important issue for a deeper understanding and better management of such networks. On the other hand, social hierarchy is a fundamental concept in sociology and social network analysis. The importance of social hierarchy in a social network is that the topological structure of the social hierarchy is essential in both shaping the nature of social interactions between individuals and unfolding the structure of the social networks. From the system perspective, we will discuss several issues in developing a graph processing system.
Bio:Dr. Jeffrey Xu Yu is a Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His current main research interests include graph mining, graph query processing, graph pattern matching, keywords search in databases, and online social networks. Dr. Yu served as an Information Director and a member in ACM SIGMOD executive committee (2007-2011),
an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2004-2008), and an associate editor in VLDB Journal (2007-2013). Currently he serves as an associate editor of ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), WWW Journal, Data Science and Engineering, the International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, the Journal on Health Information Science and Systems (HISS), and Journal of Information Processing. Dr. Yu served/serves in many organization committees and program committees in international conferences/workshops including PC Co-chair of APWeb'04, WAIM'06, APWeb/WAIM'07, WISE'09, PAKDD'10, DASFAA'11, ICDM'12, NDBC'13, ADMA'14, CIKM'15 and Bigcomp17, and conference general Co-chair of APWeb'13 and ICDM'18.
Title::Data-driven Approaches for Large Scale Knowledge Graph Construction
Abstract:Building large scale knowledge graphs has attracted wide research interest due to the wide applications of knowledge graphs in search, recommendation, QA and many other tasks related to text understanding. Despite of the great progress in this direction, there are many weakness of the current approach in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. First, the knowledge extraction still requires huge human efforts both in feature engineering and data labeling. Second, the knowledge base after extraction usually suffers from low quality especially inconsistency and incompleteness. Third, the domain-specific knowledge base construction suffers from the sparsity of labeled data. In this talk, we will present solutions of my team (KW@FUDAN) in attacking these problems. Based on these solutions, our knowledge base published online including CN-DBpedia and ProbasePlus has served industries with 1 billions of API calls.
Bio:肖仰华 博士,复旦大学教授、博士生导师、复旦大学知识工场实验室创始人、上海市互联网大数据工程技术中心副主任、多家规模企业高级顾问与首席科学家、知识图谱前沿技术系列课程发起人、十多个国家/省市/企业研究奖项获得者、三十多个国家/省市/企业研发项目负责人。在国际顶级学术会议与期刊(包括SIGMOD、VLDB、ICDE、IJCAI、AAAI、TKDE等)发表论文百余篇,授权近20项知识图谱专利。百余次担任国际/国内学术机构/会议的学术服务工作。领导构建了知识库云服务平台(知识工场平台,发布了一系列知识图谱,以API形式为数百家应用单位服务近10亿次。
Bin Shao
Title:Real-time Knowledge Graph Serving
Abstract:Knowledge proliferates and becomes increasingly linked. Connected knowledge is naturally represented and stored as knowledge graphs, which are of more and more importance for many frontier research areas such as machine intelligence. Big knowledge graph serving, especially in real-time, faces challenges at all levels. In this talk, we discuss the challenges of knowledge graph serving, propose several general principles of designing graph serving systems, and showcase some real-world graph serving applications.
Bio:Bin Shao is a lead researcher at Microsoft Research Asia. He joined Microsoft after receiving his Ph.D. degree from Fudan University in July 2010. Bin Shao is leading the Microsoft Graph Engine project, which is an open-source distributed in-memory large graph processing engine. His research interests include machine learning, in-memory databases, distributed systems, and parallel graph processing.
Title: 基于图的海量知识图谱数据管理
Abstract: RDF用W3C提出是对于语义网中的Web对象建模的数据模型。目前,已经涌现出大量的RDF知识库,比较著名的有DBPedia,Yago,Yago2和Freebase等。同时,很多IT公司也在致力于大规模RDF知识库的构建,例Google的知识库图谱,微软的Satori,搜狗公司的知立方,以及百度的实体搜索。大规模RDF知识库为目前的数据管理领域带来了新的挑战和机遇,例如如何有效地存储和检索这些大规模的RDF知识库数据。在本次的报告中,我首先回顾一些经典的按照关系数据库的方法来管理RDF数据的技术。然后,我集中讨论从图数据库的观点来研究RDF数据管理的问题。具体的,我将讨论如何利用图数据库中的子图匹配技术来处理RDF知识库中的查询问题。我讨论两种查询,SPARQL和自然语言查询,以及如何利用子图匹配来有效地回答这两类查询。最后,我将演示我们的基于图的RDF数据管理Demo系统,gStore和gAnswer;前者是用来设计支持SPARQL 1.1的RDF存储和查询系统,后者是用来支持自然语言和关键词的RDF语义检索系统
Bio. 邹磊,北京大学计算机科学技术研究所教授、国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金项目获得者,北京大学大数据科学研究中心主任助理。目前的主要研究领域包括图数据库,RDF知识图谱,尤其是基于图的RDF数据管理。邹磊及其团队构建了面向海量RDF知识图谱数据(超过100亿三元组规模)的开源图数据库系统。邹磊已经发表了50余篇国内外学术论文,包括数据库领域国际顶级期刊/会议论文(SIGMOD,VLDB等)近30余篇; 邹磊获得2009年中国计算机学会优秀博士学位论文提名奖和2014年中国计算机学会自然科学二等奖(排名第一); 2017年获得教育部自然科学二等奖(排名第一)。
Title: 基于知识的智能问答技术
Abastract: 作为多种智能人机交互应用的核心技术,智能问答已受到学术界及工业界的广泛关注。特别是面对大规模结构化的知识图谱数据及非结构化的知识资源,如何从自然语言的提问中抽离出提问意图,并从大规模知识资源中找到答案是其中的核心挑战。本报告将在简单梳理问答系统的历史发展脉络、基本概念和技术流派的基础上,主要介绍面向大规模知识库的问答方法,以及在深度学习框架下的知识库问答技术,并对其中存在的问题和趋势进行分析和展望。
Bio: 冯岩松,信息科学博士,北京大学计算机科学与技术研究所副教授。主要研究方向包括自然语言处理、信息抽取以及机器学习在自然语言处理中的应用;已连续三年在面向结构化知识库的知识问答评测 QALD-4, 5, 6 中获得第一名;相关工作已发表在 TPAMI、ACL、EMNLP 、AAAI等主流期刊与会议上。同时,作为项目负责人或课题骨干已承担多项国家自然科学基金及科技部 863 计划项目。分别在 2014、2015 年获得 IBM Faculty Award,及 2016 年 IBM Shared University Research Award。
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